Long papers are published in multi-volume
issues. Authors of long monographs are proposed to the realisation of
a book. Short manuscripts are considered to fill blank pages in multi-paper
All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review before acceptance. Authors
are encouraged to submit manuscripts by e-mail as attachments to the Publishing
House. If you do not have access to e-mail you can send manuscript and
pictures in a CD. Please follow the above basic guidelines.
All papers must be written in English with summary in a European language.
Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to submit
their manuscripts to a native English-speaker before submission. Deposition
of types in public collections is encouraged but not required. Nomenclature
must be in agreement with the latest ICZN.
Use as little formatting as possible. Matter size: A5 (14,8 x 21cm). Top
and side margins: 1,5 cm; bottom margin: 2 cm. Font: New Times Roman.
Size: Title 12 bold; Subtitles 11 bold; Abstract and Key-words 9 normal;
other 10 normal.
The title should be concise and informative. The higher taxa containing
the taxa dealt with in the paper should be indicated in parentheses: (Order,
The name(s) of the author(s) must be typed in small capitals (e.g. John
SMITH & Jack BROWN). The address of each author is given at the end
of the paper. E-mail addresses may be provided. Title and summary should
be concise. Any new scientific emergence proposed in the paper must be
mentioned in the summary. Summary and key-words are not needed in short
The arrangement of the main text varies with different types of papers
but usually starts with an Introduction and ends with the References.
Author and year of publication of any animal or plant species must be
provided when its scientific name is first mentioned. Metric systems should
be used. The References should be cited in the text as SMITH (1999), SMITH
& SMITH (2000) or SMITH et alii (2001), or in a parenthesis as (SMITH,
2000; SMITH & SMITH, 2000; SMITH et alii, 2001). All literature cited
must be listed at the end of the text in the format of the already published
Illustration tables and legends should be given at the end of the manuscript.
Four colour plates as wide as a page are offered. For further information
check on the web-site www.vitalieghianda.it/entomapeiron
Submission of the paper must be accompanied with a list of five potential
reviewers with their complete postal and email addresses.
When a manuscript is received, the Editor will have it reviewed by at
least two peers qualified to evaluate the manuscript. The reviewing process
will normally take one month or longer, depending on the length of the
manuscript and reviewers’ responses.
Once the manuscript is accepted, final proofs will be forwarded to the
author(s) for a latest correction.
Reprints for the authors:
Long articles
10 copies of each issue with cover: 40 €
10 copies of each issue without cover: 35 €
Short articles (up to 2 pages)
20 copies of the article: 10 €